
Why Water is the most important element in life? we need water for agriculture, drinking,
hygiene, manufacturing, and sanitation. United Nations data suggest that more than over one
billion people (1 of 6) have no access or very limited access to safe drinking water that can fill
their thirsty. Moreover, more than two billion people have unacceptable sanitation. These
problems will lead directly to disease, death, poverty, and sometimes conflict. In my Final
project I will try to cover what things we can do as an engineers to solve this water problem. And
what are the requirements to make the world reach self it sufficiency. The most occurring
substance in the world is water, and only 2.53 percent is freshwater the rest is salty. One-third of
freshwater is available the rest (two-third) locked up in permanent snow cover and glaciers.
Precipitation is the core water source for human use and ecosystems. Estimates suggest that
climate change accounts for 20 percent global water scarcity increase (Vorosmity, P 285) The
challenges would be prioritized according to how easily their meet basic human needs. Meeting
basic human needs are the main reason to eradicate poverty that will eventually lead to other
economic developments. The most significant challenge in the report is meeting basic human
needs. This challenge can be resolved by the provision of sufficient and safe water for human
use. Provision of unsafe water leads to water-related diseases affecting mainly the poor in the
Water is not the only energy source, in some parts of the world wind power, nuclear
power, and fossil fuels can be used to supply energy. Although desalination plants is one of the
Solution for water problem I will try to put the cons and pros for using this technology. I might
put my country experience in the Desalination plants since Saudi Arabia is a big desert with
population of more than 28 million people speeded over different regions


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