Space exploration -it is worth?

Space exploration whether it is worth it or not will never have a strong end but will have two versions of the same topic few supporting the view while there will be few who will oppose it. According to Newt Gingrich he said to the Fox News that he has intentions of launching a staffed base in the moon by year 2020 which will help not only the American researchers to develop its growing power over the space but also make the children to take keen interest in the fields of arithmetic and physics.
Space exploration requires a lot of money and such a mission of going into space requires money to a great extent with which one can buy a decent plus house in the heart of the city rather than going into the moon and the government is also into a deficit of lump sum amount of money for which new ideas crop up and can help the growth of the human beings for its further development Space exploration should be kept aside only for securing the universe and should not be just kept for enjoyment or any other scientific intentions.
According to Gingrich John F. Kennedy once said “We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win.”   
According to NASA it has planned to send space man to the moon by the year 2018 which will be at a cost of $104 billion and this was actually promised by President Bush who was vacated from his office eight years back and in the year 1961 President Kenney had actually promised to land man on moon. Most of the things that are invented in space are not available to mankind and the space men in their space suit could not go further than the planet called Mars and the run to find something in the outer space has kept man on his toes. Spirit and Opportunity are the two mechanical geologists who are still trying to find evidence that there is water on the other end of the planet Mars and it has already been two years out there in space. The enjoyment that we entertain ourselves has been overtaken by robots and man is not sent to the outer space since it becomes too much of a responsibility and also no cost effective.
The mission name Messenger had an estimate cost of $280 million and hundred thirty space ships worth $450 million dollars each and it took about $1.7 billion dollars to construct a single five powered convoy and eventually the International Space Station after coming into being has put in almost $142 billion dollars into smaller missions to space and excess to the activities which includes much lesser important explorations and such huge amount of monetary utilisation can definitely be spent on the earth and no matter how much money is spent on such exploration it is always less. The United Kingdom accumulates approximately $11 billion pounds each year through international support and still it is less and it reaches nowhere and to be candid there are huge number of space influenced methods which is supposedly to change the way humans do and out of the curiosity NASA regulates an incidental online information regarding how NASA’s space exploration is beneficial to the world.
Too few individuals it is ok and space exploration is worth it because it looks after the basic interrogation about our questions regarding the Universe and also the solar system since it gives rise to new trades and also creates a peaceful co-existence with the rest of the world. NASA’s new space exploration is the start of a new age through which NASA will cross the hurdle of manufacturing methods and abilities needed to invent anything that is further away from the earth. The translunar missions of NASA will get a chance to emerge and make new devices for the functioning to aid the age old exploration while being on earth and there would be no need to go to the space spending billions and trillions of money on such endeavours.


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