Duty-based ethics

Deontology resonates the most with me because I think that it precedes other ethical frameworks.  I think Deontology is exceptionally simple in this manner.  It recognizes the essence of goodness in that there is no need to consider an ends at all.  It is merely about the purity of the moment and the good that can be done in this simple state.  In this sense I think that it is immaculate  and "untouchable" in a way.  I think Deontology also recognizes the good nature of humans.  It is an ethical framework that depicts the incorruptible soul of good beings.  I think that the Universality of the Golden Rule naturally comes from Deontology.  For me, Deontology surpasses the crude state of constant fending for survival that is often experienced.

Duty-based ethics teaches that some acts are right or wrong thanks to the kinds of things they're, and other people have an obligation to act consequently, despite the nice or dangerous consequences that will be created.


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