Substitute energy sources,

While the search for substitute energy sources, excluding petroleum, continues, solar energy conversion has been identified as one of the promising technologies. In the previous recent years, there has been research done focusing on solar cells, and their efficiency in producing energy per material used. On the other hand, engineering approaches set to improve solar conversion efficiency has received considerable concern (Amer, 2006). The efficient nanostructure photovoltaic devices that display numerous exciton generation is perceived to have a wide absorption level, are highly efficient and have lower costs. The power generation research also focused on the development approaches to create predefined patterns of multipod nanocrystals.  The procedures used were to direct the electronic devices and the device structures, as well as to define the ways to utilities in the heat treatment properties.
           Therefore, the energy source and the expected consumption in the following decades demands efficient and renewable energy sources. This is because, these energies are expected to satisfy the energy demands required globally. Therefore, there is the need to explore new areas in the solar power generation, in order to convert more thermal and electrical energy. Additionally, there is a need to find solutions to the challenges that are surrounding the solar cell productions, that is, efficiency and cost (Amer, 2006). In the same manner, PV power generation requires lower production cost and higher efficiency so as to compete with other energy sources such as the fossil energy.  As the first and the second generation solar cells are based on single crystalline wafer, the third generation solar cells are expected be more efficient and produce energy at lower costs than before.


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