Vital task is not to administer diversity but to uphold unanimity.

The Fundamentalist movement made an appeal for division from the estrangement and in compliance to the prophets of God. The Modernist movement lays emphasis that governmental division is offense and  natural merger is more significant than what a church or similar group believes inside  it. Faithfulness to church organization becomes a big conflict cry of the financial Modernist movement. Faithfulness to the Scriptures and truthfulness in structuring the Church of Christ, is the huge call  from the Fundamentalist’s side.

The Fundamentalists have had great successes, especially since the movement has reached the point of separation from unbelief and apostasy. Since the great divisions have developed in American Protestantism over the Fundamentalist issue, the Fundamentalists have been gathering great vigor, more acknowledgment, and they are becoming stronger than at point of time in the record of the struggle.
When the group standard or set of assumptions is supposed to be threat , a group can no longer grip together. Keeping it in mind, that there is a wonderful individual need to fit in, and belonging demands a community, a group desires a tie of harmony. Since each human being is individual and consequently dissimilar, each alliance of people will involuntarily surround variety. Larger communities will create different sub-groups to maximize ease, that means- there will be certain view and confidence that can be adjudged right, left, or center. However, to any extent the sub-groups be different from each other, they would remain faithful to the bigger group only so long as they are persuaded the whole crowd is going toward their common objective.

Thus the vital task is not to administer diversity but to uphold unanimity. 


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