Solar Energy

Energy is known as the power that propels most of the human kind activities, including domestic chores and human-made machines. Globally, a greater percentage of the energy that humans utilize comes from natural gas, oil or coal. On the other hand, solar energy is referred to as the energy that is simply provided by the sun, in the form of radiation, making the production of electricity possible. Similarly, electricity can be generated from photovoltaic (PV) cells directly (Goetzberger & Hoffmann, 2005). These cells are the combination of electricity and light, and are made from materials that possess photovoltaic effect.  Photovoltaic effect is the process by which there is creation of electric current or voltage in a material, after a material has been exposed to light.          Solar energy generates electricity when it is required, especially during hot days, when air-conditioners increase the electricity demand. When the solar energy is in use, it produces no emissions, or any environmental pollution, as it does not utilize water and it is modular. Solar energy is a renewable form of energy. Thus, it further involves active solar process, which includes combination of photovoltaic systems with solar water heating procedures, in order to harness energy. (Goetzberger & Hoffmann, 2005). The other category is the passive solar that consist selecting the preferable light or thermal mass properties, and thereafter designing spaces that will naturally circulate air. Furthermore, it is approximated that, the total amount of solar energy that is absorbed by the oceans and land masses or the earth’s atmosphere is 3,850,000 exajoules (EJ) per annum.


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