Analyze self –plagiarism


Academic standard have became more rigorous nowadays for schools. Colleges, universities and schools have high standard for the students to be educationally successful. However, constraints might affect the quality of the education. For instance, one of the constraints that discovered last decades and affect the education is self-plagiarism.

The goal of this report is to analyze self –plagiarism from different types. For example, why self-plagiarism is significant issue, also discussion and analysis academic and professional self-plagiarism finally, professors, who had issues with their students that using the old files for other students to do the assignments.

We might know the word self-plagiarism that is a huge topic affect academic succeed and professional. Some people consider it the same as cheating. The simple definition of self-plagiarism is when someone takes others work and republished for his own words without reversing it or citation or take a promotion. For that, students, employees and authors are included because most of the self-plagiarism cases based on these three. Stephen Kobourov a head of the computer science department talks about his experience in self-plagiarism. He says: Some graduate students don’t know the basic of the materials that we review in the class how could that possible happen? For example, the graduate students must know the basic materials of undergraduate. (Self –plagiarism in computer science 7)
Self –plagiarism could be in many terms. For example, duplicate publication, copywriting infringement and IP protection. When we address these issues many people would debate about self-plagiarism because, some of them complain that is a huge problem in our society. In the other side of the audiences, they do not see any problem with the term they see the opposite and the easy way to take benefits from others ideas. The fact, for the huge debates make the issue complicated. When we come to the subject why this issue is complicated we realize how self -plagiarism affect the academic and professional community. According to S, Mohapatra in article (“The ethics of self-plagiarism”). He says, “ Some argue that self plagiarism involves dishonesty but not intellectual theft”. For that, what we realize here the debate of the self-plagiarism whether ethical or unethical will go on for a long time and make the issue complicated.
Moreover, the audiences who take the fact that republished someone ideas or steal that from him argued is unethical however, what kind of constraint will be in term of academic succeed and professional?
In addition, the case is confusing for many audiences who address the problem in the education field. Also, the professional field has chance. Students and employees are Simultaneously involves in the case of the self-plagiarism. In last decade, studies cases discover that most of the duplicate published which is one of the types of self-plagiarism continuously increase year after year.

In 1999, until now the cases of self-plagiarism has been increasing quickly. The cases included all kinds of plagiarism like, copywriting infringement and duplicate publication.  According to Mohapatra, Samel assistant Professor (Animal Science) she researched about the biomedical journals and how that related to the self - plagiarism. She says each term I expect three or four cases of self –plagiarism in the class. The students use old files to cover their assignments also, it might be the same assignments from student who took the class before. “However, my belief that self-plagiarism is detrimental to scientific progress and bad for our academic community “.  She talked about her experience and how is that affecting the academic career. The students use the old materials but is that a solution to be succeed?
As she go a long with the article the numbers of the students who cover the assignment with old documents increased. For example, around 55 % of the class uses the old materials. She compare how self –plagiarism can be bad for the academic community when the students do a very well in the assignments and homework however, in the exam you can’t image how bad the result is.
On the example of self-plagiarism, IThenticate Company is a company that expert in content confirmation technology like, copywriting infringement. The company did some case studies and researches about copywriting infringements and duplicate publication. The case studies included academic cases and professional environments. One of the case studies shows specific case in copywriting infringements such as technical and medical (STM) journals, including periodicals, magazines and encyclopedias.
The company says in the (Self –plagiarism article) that self-plagiarism become major of the rise. They have such a larger numbers of articles that many people use duplicate publication. Approximately, 60 % of the documents have duplicate word or the have the same words in another article without citation them and put the sources. Also, the largest audiences are from academic documents, article from the magazine and professional field.
Self –plagiarism is not consider in one field as I mentation before, also in many field like professional field. Professional felid is similar such as academic field in self-plagiarism. In professional society can be a slight different than the academic felid. The difference that employees use the repots and emails instead of assignments. For example, the employees probably write a repot in their project and use a report from different company.   
In sum, self-plagiarism cases became more. In fact, my research includes the most important types of Self –plagiarism, besides all my research comes from one side that self-plagiarism unethical. Most of the professors and authors believe that self-plagiarism is bad for the community. Also, it cannot be helpful for the academic society.  And how the students take any benefits from someone’s idea. The students might not be like the idea because they think it’s helpful for them. My research based on the fact that Self –plagiarism is unethical based on the information. Because what I found id the majority of people agree that self –plagiarism is unethical and not helpful for the community. In other side, professional field self –plagiarism is detrimental. In that case, employees 

In general, self –plagiarism is huge debate weather is unethical or ethical. Most of academic students see that is ethical, but in the other side; professors see that issue unethical and not good for the environments. In my opinion self –plagiarism consider to be ethical. You cannot learn from someone’s idea

I like what American Psychological Association suggest the following regarding reusing one’s own word. “ When duplication of ones own words is more extensive, citation of the duplicated words should be norm “and “ must conform to legal notions of fair use.” (Pg.16)


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