women empowerment

A.     The topic women empowerment seeks an audience that think about the welfare of the women of the world and they include women of all walks of life along with women supporters who may not be women but are men and support the cause like they support the thought that an empowered women can make the world a better place to live. Women isn’t looked up to as an object who raises children and to be a part of the support staff of a family but it has been understood that women forms a very vital role to play in the context of running a government machinery. This topic seeks to make that male chauvinist understand the concept that an empowered women is no less than a man and also gets the support from the feminist all across the globe to make the world understand that women can stand equal beside a man. The topic helps in understanding the essence of how a woman can change the view point of any subject matter and that besides the culinary skills that are inborn with her she can even handle administrative departments and also women from the backward nations if they come out from the veils of the traditional orthodox views then the world shall be more strengthened since the earth is referred to as the mother.


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