Organic Consideration

A.     The topic Organic Consideration is open to be read by a huge variety of audience starting from the academicians, students, avid readers, cultivators, food corporation departments and a general audience for whom this topic shall be useful to know regarding the benefits of having grow the crops that are free from pesticides. Crops are generally made to grow with the support of fertilizers and in order to keep them not infested with pest harmful insecticides and pesticides are sprayed which harm the crop as well as not suitable for human consumption.  Hence having the choice of growing organic crops not only gives an edge over the health benefits but also educates the cultivators and the buyers regarding the harmful side effects of the pesticides. The topic also makes the reader aware regarding the ill effects of the pesticides but yet again the organic food crops trending to be dearer due to the methods of cultivation. This will make the reader come to know the effects of having crops sprayed with pesticides and also making them aware regarding the benefits of having organic food crops. In this way it will also help the ecologist to maintain the environment and also help curb diseases which arise due to allergies from pesticides.


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