Experience in English

Experience in English
My experience with English has been rather interesting. My understanding and speaking and also reading has improved over the past few years. In my TLC Language company, I have taken some English classes in the past and they have helped me develop my knowledge of English. I have tried to train myself to use English more and more so I would say I use English out of my choice, or in a voluntary manner.
This class, like my past English class is very important. Learning is not a one day thing and the more practice I get the better I get at the English language. Critical thinking and research skills are very important here in school and even beyond school. This classes will make me learn more, beyond just grammar and spelling. It is a challenge, just what I need so I can go to the next level in my understanding of the English language. Research skills will be very important also.

Like I said, critical thinking and research skills are not limited to the classroom. Out in the world, in different jobs, people are always conducting research studies. That means that I have to understand research now at a early time. Acquiring this skill together with critical thinking will make me an efficient person who thinks fast and works smart. I believe this class will go a long way in making me a better person to deal with the world after school.


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