Memory that impact on me

Memory that impact on me

I would not say that I have been a fan of reading the papers but once in a while, I find myself going through opinion articles on the newspapers to understand what is happening around me and around the world at large. Just recently I was on social media and saw some comments attributed to Donald Trump about Muslims and I decided to check out if they were true. I was shocked that such a widely known man would stand up before the world and say that the United States should ban Muslims from entering its borders. Now as much as I try to stay clear of politics, I found these comments misplaced and very discriminatory. I mean what exact reason would Trump give other than the stereotype surrounding Muslims and terrorism. These comments made me realize that as much as people say the society now is more tolerant than societies in the past, it is not the case. A country like America is made of very many diverse cultures but still people like Trump do not care about how their utterances polarize a nation. His comments made me realize that the world is a long way from being completely accommodative of the diversity in race, religion, sex and other diverging factors.


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